Friday, May 05, 2006

List of harvestable items closest to storages


UPDATE: Now POISON IVY is also harvestable (with leather gloves).

blue star flower: DP (200,66) --> DP storage - manually measured time - oneway: 21s
blue lupine: VOTD (138,122)
impatients: PL (185,86) --> PL storage - manually measured time - oneway: 19s
white asiatic lilly: VOTD (22,120)
red snapdragon: VOTD (152,150)
tiger lilly: VOTD (143,134)
lilacs: VOTD (38,151) --> VOTD storage - manually measured time - oneway: 17s
chrysanthemum: PORTLAND TAVERN 181.109
swamp candle: IP (95,64)
red rose: VOTD (148,171)
yellow rose: DP (294,342)
black rose: DP crystal cave (153,31)
sunflower: WS (83,120)
cactus: DP (165,98)


fruit: PL (180,97)
vegetable: VOTD (128,134)


quartz: DP (330,55)
rose quartz: DP (330,55)
blue quartz: NC (107,60) --> NC storage - manually measured time - oneway: 58s
sulfur: MM northern cave (136,127)
coal: DP rat cave (42,25)
iron ore: DP crystal cave (159,171) --> DP storage - manually measured time - oneway 1m 29s
silver ore: MM northern cave (99,126) --> WS storage - manually measured time - oneway: 1m 22s
gold ore: VOTD gold cave (74,39)
titanium ore: PL tit mine basment (172,62)
sapphire: PL cave to WS (33,137)
ruby: NC southern cave (8,87)
emerald: NA catacombs basement (140,23)
diamonds: WS gargoyle cave (81,87)

TIP: there is, in the NC temple, some iron, tit and coal about 2 seconds away from each other though (no joke). if you go into it, then go straight (follow the red carpet) and you get to a corridor, followed by a left turn. follow that corridor until you get to the next left turn. stop. against the left wall there is a door. go into it. follow the rail track round til you get to the stuff (about 5 secs). its in the northeast of NC, so not too far from storage, or VOTD storage, and will also be useful for stuff, like if you bring along a load of FE, you could make a load of iron bars no trouble (second person amy be required for larger amounts.

TIP: There ARE fruits in WhiteStone City. Go to the arena (inside a building, NE of WSC). There are harvestable fruits of the seats surrounding the PK arena.

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Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the location of tin/copper now?

DiMe said...

flower update:
blue star flowers are just 1 second away from the mm-storage :)

Anonymous said...

can you add coordinates for cotton?--- Legolad

Anonymous said...

i dont think you can actually harvest the coal and iron in the temple as it said you cant harvest here :(

Anonymous said...

Could you post a hydro guide?

Anonymous said...

is it possible to make one of these for C2 too? are some of these not closer ther?

Anonymous said...

The White Asiatics in VOTD are no longer there.

Anonymous said...

the coordinates for tiger lily in votd are incorrect,,, there is no tiger lily at this spot

Anonymous said...

titanium ore: PL tit mine basment (172,62)....wrong place ...thats in the water

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but there is too much useless info for the hydro run and not enough of the correct info.
I can give you one good hint: Use Rangers' maps for this one

Laasik said...

Rose Quartz closer in NC (hidden rose quartz)

Anonymous said...

TIP: there is, in the NC temple, some iron, tit and coal about 2 seconds away from each other though (no joke). if you go into it, then go straight (follow the red carpet) and you get to a corridor, followed by a left turn. follow that corridor until you get to the next left turn. stop. against the left wall there is a door. go into it. follow the rail track round til you get to the stuff (about 5 secs). its in the northeast of NC, so not too far from storage, or VOTD storage, and will also be useful for stuff, like if you bring along a load of FE, you could make a load of iron bars no trouble (second person amy be required for larger amounts.
Can't harvest here ...

Anonymous said...

there is a storage in MM. so silver is no longer a one minute trip.

Anonymous said...

blue lupine: VOTD (138,122)
These are Lilavs no Blue Lupines

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