Wednesday, August 02, 2006

How to add your own coordinates to Eternal Lands' maps

Upon request, I have decided to offer this short guide about how to modify/add coordinates to the map files. I hope it will be clarifying enough (click on the images to enlarge):

1.- First off, locate your Eternal Maps folder (mine is in D:\program files). Once you have located it, open it.

2.Once you are inside your Eternal Lands folder, look for the map coordinates file you want to change/modify. The file extension is .elm. In the case of White Stone, we are looking for the map named map2.elm:

3. Once you located the file you want to modify, right click on it, and choose "Open with..."

4. Open the file with the text editor:
5. What you will find is a coordinates list. This is where you can add/erase coordinates. Remember to use the same format you see, when you add something new: (coordinates number item): 123 456 lilacs. If you add too many coordinates, the result will me a cluttered map (like mine :-P)

6. Once you added/ edited what you wanted, we have to save the file. The point here, is not to have our file reformated into a txt file. Thus, select SAVE AS:

7. Do not modify the file's name. Remember not to save it as a text file. To do so, select "All files" (see below: I have no idea what it says in English browsers). Just don't reformat and/or rename the file, and everything will work ok!

---If you can't locate the name of the file you want to modify, it's as easy as adding a note in your map, in the game itself, with the actual name of the map, like seen below.

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Anonymous said...

I'm sure you mean map.txt, *not* map.elm. ELM is the binay format of the map and not editable in a texteditor. map.txt ist the file with all the map marks.

Anonymous said...

it is .elm

Anonymous said...

ok i found the folder but i can't find the file that has the coordinates

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