Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Dummy map for mapless areas

Dummy/blank maps??

Dummy maps are used for those areas in Eternal Lands with no map available (circumstance which can be checked in your Eternal Lands folder. Mapless areas are those that lack a .bmp file matching the .elm file).

I think everybody has them already, but if you don't, you can download this map, renaming it...

Free Image Hosting at

For instance: I check my Eternal Lands/Maps folder, and see that there is no .bmp file (this is, a map) available for, say, the file cont2map1_caves.elm (this is, Idaloran caves). All I have to do, is save this dummy map above, renaming it as cont2map1_caves.bmp. I hope it's clear.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Last Eternal Lands updates

I haven't played much lately. It's not only that I have work to do in real life, but also that Eternal Lands is even harder for manufacturers after the last update.

Eternal Lands now offers great novelties, such as a wider variety of harvestable items, and new areas, among other things.


  • The incidence of enriched essences has decreased even more
  • Fire Essences are slooooow to make.
  • The number of critical fails when manufacturing/mixing has increased a LOT. Regardless of your level.
  • Although vials are stackable, you now lose your vial when having a non minor potion. Seems now Eternal Lands characters are vial eaters.
  • NordCarn cave is PK now... Great.
When His Almighty Entropy faces negative opinions about these new characteristics in the game, the answer he gives goes like this:

ENTROPY's magnanimity in action in the Forum:
*****QUOTE((player name) @ Jul 21 2006, 03:48 PM)

a lot of the new changes are huge, but this is the first one I dislike... it would be best to change it back it takes a long time to make them now

ENTROPY: (player name) , you said 3 times already in this thread how much you dislike it. I think I have to remind you that you've been suspended twice, and promised to behave. Our friend (player name) got suspended for 1 week for his very smart comment, but you will earn a 2 years suspension if you ever spam the forums like that.

To the others, if you don't like it, go play other games. Or be more selective about the bitching, you can't have less overproduction and faster building times. It's one or the other.

Never forget he's Teh God. Let's all sit down and click, click, click, click for hours, quietly as good schoolboys and girls.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

COMPLETE MAPS 6: Desert Pines

Before I post this map and its coordinates, let me answer to a couple emails:

-There is no "team" as such, working on this page. The way people contribute is by sending me emails with X or Y new info/corrections. My email account is
elcheats (at) yahoo (dot) com.

-The way I answer to any emails is through this page, when it's possible. I don't want my IP to run the risk of being disclosed. Mine would be one of the few completely justified cases for a ban.

-To people who have emailed me asking me questions, I will do my best to answer them as soon as I can.

Desert Pines coordinates (file name in Eternal Land's folder: MAP3.elm):


359 23 QUARTZ
350 43 Rose QUARTZ, Quartz
352 73 rose quartz
365 74 quartz

22 323 beehive,*red currents
51 358 *Red currents
163 361 *red currents
115 341 *blue berries
85 302 *blue berries
190 334 *blue berries
20 350 *nightshade,impatiens
66 361 *Nightshade
199 281 *chrysanthemum
360 159 *red rose,
73 61 *Yellow rose
354 287 *YellowRose
14 18 *black rose
31 80 *blue lupine,WHITE ASIATIC LILY
80 15 *blue lupine,WHITE ASIATIC LILY
66 37 *blue lupine
297 171 *blue lupine
58 57 *impatiens, yellow rose
72 55 *blue starflower
350 265 *BlueStarflower
256 100 CACTUS
96 99 *cactus
19 70 *cactus
277 84 cactus
285 69 cactus
151 59 cactus
160 63 cactus
249 125 cactus
205 146 cactus
193 167 cactus
234 169 *blueStarflower
266 216 *BlueStarflower,impatiens
306 170 *blueStarflower,impatiens
301 227 *daffodils ,sunflower ,lilacs,impatiens,blueStarflower,Chrysanthemum
340 248 *Chrysanthemum
326 242 *Dandelion
366 269 *lilacs
248 300 Vegetables ,cotton
363 278 Veggies
357 236 Vegg
194 366 *impatiens
31 20 *impatiens
308 159 *impatiens
359 293 *Impatiens
151 312 *impatiens
185 278 *impatiens
35 359 *Impatiens,WHITE ASIATIC LILY
267 302 *Impatiens,BlueStarflower,tul,lilacs
283 348 **Yellow Rose, tulips,impatiens,lilacs,Red Snapdragons,WHITE ASIATIC LILY


308 338 REUS (grocery)
330 337 STEPHAN (tavern)
224 350 kalana
195 73 HARVY


358 363 Secret!
167 98 *Storage, cactus
28 119 Alchemical academy of desert pines
360 159 coal cave
359 331 VotD
362 316 PORTLAND
169 13 to portland
367 267 Kilaran Fields
14 222 tahraji desert
24 374 Desert Pines
359 351 WS
365 58 To South Kilaran

60 232 ARENA


35 359 fireplace
22 108 fireplace
38 31 fireplace
187 98 fireplace
(of course, there are also fireplaces inside the houses!)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Get (almost) all the maps for Eternal Lands

Here you have a ZIP file with almost all the Eternal Lands MAPS (the ones you can see when you hit TAB inside the game).

You can download these maps and save them in the /maps folder (\maps for Windows users) under your Eternal Lands directory. Make sure that you make backups of all the .bmp files in that directory. If you already have any custom maps in that directory they might be replaced if the names have a correspondence (i.e. they are maps of the same name). Windows will prompt you for overwrite permission (in which case you need to think of logical file-name changes to make it work). If you work from the Linux command line, you might not have such a luxury, as your existing files will be overwritten in the default settings. Linux, afterall, does expect us to be a bit more in control of our systems, so, use your brain and make backups when installing things by hand.)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

How to add your own coordinates to Eternal Lands' maps

Upon request, I have decided to offer this short guide about how to modify/add coordinates to the map files. I hope it will be clarifying enough (click on the images to enlarge):

1.- First off, locate your Eternal Maps folder (mine is in D:\program files). Once you have located it, open it.

2.Once you are inside your Eternal Lands folder, look for the map coordinates file you want to change/modify. The file extension is .elm. In the case of White Stone, we are looking for the map named map2.elm:

3. Once you located the file you want to modify, right click on it, and choose "Open with..."

4. Open the file with the text editor:
5. What you will find is a coordinates list. This is where you can add/erase coordinates. Remember to use the same format you see, when you add something new: (coordinates number item): 123 456 lilacs. If you add too many coordinates, the result will me a cluttered map (like mine :-P)

6. Once you added/ edited what you wanted, we have to save the file. The point here, is not to have our file reformated into a txt file. Thus, select SAVE AS:

7. Do not modify the file's name. Remember not to save it as a text file. To do so, select "All files" (see below: I have no idea what it says in English browsers). Just don't reformat and/or rename the file, and everything will work ok!

---If you can't locate the name of the file you want to modify, it's as easy as adding a note in your map, in the game itself, with the actual name of the map, like seen below.

Free Image Hosting at

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

COMPLETE MAPS 5: White Stone

UPDATES: Latest harvestable items included (a list about these will be released in some days).

Free Image Hosting at


You can get these coordinates in your own White Stone map (look in your Eternal Lands folder, for the Map2.elm file). You can add the coordinates you want, in the same format as is offered, and erase those that don't interest you:

NOTES: From WhiteStone you can access Continent 2 (C2), read the explanation HERE.

181 170 Wood
78 103 Veggs
191 435 *Sunflower
513 345 *Swamp Candles
162 586 *lilacs
251 648 *Lilacs

600 568 ***
393 389 *Red Snapdragons
239 383 Veggs
628 332 *tigerlily
626 332 *blue lupine
614 331 *blue lupine
624 332 *White Asiatic Lilly
687 167 *tigerlily
679 165 *lilac
381 736 Fruits ****
540 593 *blue lupine
529 628 *Poison Ivy
494 677 *lilacs
454 667 *blue lupine
452 665 *lilacs
455 720 *lilacs
446 714 *Poison Ivy
414 760 *blue lupine
376 746 *lilacs
362 743 *lilacs
368 731 *White Asiatic Lilly
378 726 *blue lupine
375 701 *lilacs
322 753 *White Asiatic Lilly
313 739 *Blue Lupine
288 727 *Tiger Lilly
289 731 *lilacs
291 727 *Red Snapdragon
236 759 *Poison Ivy
97 554 *poison ivy

226 713 *Red Snapdragon
192 719 arena/ FRUIT ****
120 727 Flowers
101 567 *lilacs
27 566 *Tiger Lily
302 616 +Blue lupine
320 612 *TigerLily
398 608 *White Asiatic Lily,lilacs
422 605 *Blue lupine
410 524 *Chrysanthemun
142 289 *Chrysanthemun

97 528 *Blue Lupine
264 496 *Blue Lupine
375 528 *lilacs
14 384 *lilacs

21 381 *Blue Starflower
24 357 *Blue Starflower
48 356 *Blue Starflower

8 380 *Red Snapdragon
113 253 *mugwort
111 236 *dandelion
98 184 *Poison .Ivy
89 136 *Dandelion
97 115 *Sunf
65 70 *Dandelion
136 128 *TigerLily
149 154 *BlueStarflower, dandelion
175 148 *Red Snapdragon
174 160 *Chrysanthemun
181 150 *TigerLily
713 74 *RedSnapdragon
734 59 *lilacs
730 44 *Swamp Candles
754 32 *Blue Lupine
751 31 *Swamp Candles
658 130 *lilacs
36 233 *Red Snapdragon,Blue Lupine
635 217 *TigerLilly,lilacs,RedSnapdragon,Blue Lupine
633 203 *White Asiatic Lilly ,Chrysanthemun
389 275 *White Asiatic Lilly
390 306 *Blue Lupine,Tiger Lily
370 295 *Red Snapdragon,Bl Lupine
362 302 *lilacs
349 321 *Blue Lupine
430 434 *White Asiatic Lilly
650 648 White Chanterelle
652 679 White Chanterelle
659 691 White Chanterelle
591 726 White Chanterelle

392 341 *Chrys
90 86 cotton
86 76 *dandelion

693 170 trik
347 394 Fur trader (henrik)
467 421 storage
132 643 _tavern
124 666 _magic (Regia)
118 706 Mira
91 716 Victor
84 687 TAVERN
108 691 DAN
84 698 GROCERY
611 708 ADNAMA
124 129 FRUKAS
144 141 SALINA
158 142 *CORINA

502 144 Portland
708 749 Tarsengaard
720 136 to Desert Pines
706 156 to Isla Prima
647 416 to Vermor Castle
396 377 Tirnwoods Vale Cave
536 51 To C2
412 20 C2 (454 89 White rabbit spawn)
192 719 arena
159 734 SEWERS
73 693 SEWERS
28 737 STATUE (click on it (use icon): entrance to a secret place)
629 686 TEMPLE
112 50 To Grubani Peninsula

268 432 Fireplace
28 501 Fireplace
106 204 beehive
705 563 (door to foxes spawn)
172 90 *Crystal balls

KEYWORDS: MMORPG eternal lands, find things by coordinate in White Stone, White Stone complete map
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